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Update when?

seems fun so far, cant wait to see mor

Looks good

Is there a Android version

this one is really good ,i like the pixelart and the writing is funny as frick (seeing garfield made me laugh) the demo is a bit too short but all around this one is a great proof of concept :D

I really liked the demo, great job 

Found a bug (?): MC icon doesnt appear

Yeah I tried to have it link to the updated face, but for some reason it didn't want to.


Silly writing made me laugh more than I expected.

I'd call it a successful proof of concept ☆


I appreciate it. Hopefully when I do a proper update it'll be a bit longer. I've still gotta work on developing it.

Can Android be added?

(1 edit)

Joiplay might work, just install joiplay and install the windows version of the game then unzip it and click add game on the joiplay app